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About Me


For me, being a life coach is a complete and ongoing commitment to self development. I am fascinated by the limitlessness of human potential and especially interested in how individuals can become oriented toward living life from a place of inspiration to see vast skies where others find glass ceilings. I am a commitment to my own development first and foremost so that I may be a more resourceful coach when we join forces to create the outcomes you desire. I am invested in helping you overcome your personal obstacles so that you can live a fulfilled life. I am often in awe of the beauty and elegance that is the coaching process and always, humbled by the opportunity to partner with another human being in their transformational process. I am a caring individual who is compassionate by nature. I am devoted to living an essential life from a place of service, sincerity and humility. I engage in a daily meditation practice, focussed on stillness and contemplative work. I love reading and writing poetry as a way to be engaged with my own inspiration and enjoy reading books that open up new worlds for me. I find the greatest freedom and joy when I am physically engaged through movement. I love cycling and I am an active practitioner of Qi Gong and Taekwondo. I  currently hold a fourth degree black belt through the World Taekwondo Federation. 

Jeanne Botha, M.Sc 


Ontological Life Coach 


I am qualified as an Ontological Life Coach through an International Coach Federation  (I.C.F) accredited coach training program.

I am a current member of I.C.F international and uphold the code of ethics provided on the I.C.F. website.

I completed a comprehensive course on somatic intelligence and embodiment through

I completed an advanced coaching course through the Coach Deep program

I completed in depth courses on Developmental Coaching and Somatic coaching through Coaches Rising.

I have completed a course on Meditation with Open Gate Sangha

Truth is within ourselves.

There is an inmost center in us all,

where the truth abides in fullness; and to know rather consists in opening out a way whence the improsoned splendor may escape than effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.


        -  Robert Browning


Jeanne Botha  M.Sc

Professional Life Coach

I qualified as an Ontological Life Coach through the University of Calgary in partnership with Newfield Network, this program is an International Coach Federation (I.C.F) accredited coach training program.

I am a member of I.C.F international and uphold the code of ethics provided on the I.C.F. website.

I completed a comprehensive course as well as an in person retreat learning somatic intelligence and embodiment as a coaching modality through

I completed an advanced coaching course through the Coach Deep program

I completed in depth courses on Developmental Coaching and Somatic coaching through Coaches Rising.

I have completed a course on Meditation with Open Gate Sangha

I am currently working towards certification through Newfield Network and

 the I.C.F.

"I have known Jeanne for many years. We met when I was her mentor coach while she was in coach training. Since then, she has been my star participant in advanced coach training and we meet periodically to share, coach, and just stay connected. I'm very proud to call her a friend and colleague. Jeanne is a transformative coach extraordinaire!!" -- Carol Harris-Fike

"Jeanne is the most patient and amazing coach I have met. She has pushed me to see things from a different perspective and realize that perception is everything, with still staying true to yourself and taking yourself to the next level. She has helped me through major stresses in personal and work life!!!" -- Lindsay

"I have been receiving customized coaching from 'Coach Jeanne' at DreamGate for many years now... she actually enjoys helping people!  She is gifted, and she simply loves what she does!  I am very grateful that she is so flexible and willing to work with us wherever we're at, that she completely moulded to exactly what I needed! " --Todd

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